Sega genesis mini games download
Sega genesis mini games download

sega genesis mini games download

If you blindly go crazy trying all manner of things, you might find yourself needing some more advanced help from the devs or testers. Please also note that it’s 99% impossible to brick your console. This is your best chance of getting help quicker! Please ensure any support questions or general inquiries are posted in the #segasupport channel of the ModM圜lassic discord so we can deal with it in one location. PLEASE BEAR WITH US! It’s still the holidays and someone will try and respond to you as soon as they can. We have archived and cleared the #sega-support channel in our discord in preparation for the masses of the questions and queries. Now that is out the way… We are super happy with the outcome and while there is still a long way to go with Project Lunar, and more exciting features we wish to implement, we are glad we can finally share our work to the public. Please set your expectations accordingly. Project 1.0.0 should be considered a Public BETA. Expect a bug or two to crop up with the public release.

sega genesis mini games download

With 1 ½ months spent debugging, testing and 100+ people testing this release with 1000s of installs and uninstalls with no major fires we have covered a lot of ground… But, we are not able to cover every single permutation and possible installation scenario. (…as long as it is used in the way that is expected!) With all of the hours of development and testing, does this mean 1.0.0 is bug free? Of course not! Is it safe? Absolutely. We know many of you would have wanted this release sooner but we wanted to ensure the first release was ready, and we could provide a safe and more-stable solution from the onset. It’s been over 3 months of LONG days and nights but Project Lunar 1.0.0 is now officially live and available for all!

Sega genesis mini games download